Thursday, June 11, 2015

Time Savers

          We buy Net 10 phone cards since dumping the blood sucking AT&T land line.

          The cashier simply takes the card from the rack, swipes it through the register and bam the internet takes the information sends it to Net 10, they verify the card, ensure it has not already been swiped and it is ready to put on my phone. This all takes place in the blink of an eye.

          Back in the beginning of time the first credit cards were punched on sheets of steel. The department stores issued them. The clerk would place the card (charge plate) in a vice-like device and then run a slider back and forth to imprint the charge information on a stack of carbons. Then she would have to print all the purchase information on the same invoice along with the price. This all took time.

           Then along came bank credit cards with embossed names and numbers. They were still put the card in the vice and used the slider to put the information a stack of carbon papers. The clerk would then make a phone call to get an authorization for the charge and then write that on the slip. The phone call took up valuable time and slowed down the checkout process.

           Next came the magnetic strip on the back of the card, making the transaction a little faster, but phone lines were still slow at times.

          Next with the internet the information was transferred much faster and authorization came really fast.

           Now with Amazon you can buy whatever you want with one click and it is on its way to your home, no driving the car to a store, no standing in a checkout line and you can shop in your pajamas. You can of course shop in your pajamas at WalMart and stand in a line, but you do have to drive there.

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