Monday, June 8, 2015


Monday June 8, 2015 I got up this morning and wanted to write down some notes on a dream I had last night. My eyes take a few minutes to focus properly after a night’s sleep. I started to write, but realized I needed my reading glasses to see properly. I started for the bedroom to pick them up when I saw them on the buffet in the dining room. I picked them up sat down to write and when I put the glasses on I could not see a thing. I took them off thinking I had smeared the lenses, but they appeared to be clear. It was then that as I looked at the lenses I realized they were just slightly smaller than they should be. It turned out Joyce had brought her driving glasses from the glove box in the car and laid them on the buffet. Her glasses are for distance, while mine are for reading, but they both look nearly identical. There was a brief moment there when I thought I had lost my vision except for light and dark. It was a scary moment.

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