Friday, April 3, 2015

Tornado Bullseye

Friday April 3, 2015 last night we had quite a fright. The afternoon had been gorgeous with light winds and sunshine. At 8 PM the weather reporters started breaking in on network TV giving warnings of impending storms coming in from Kansas and Oklahoma. Their radar showed giant super-cell thunderstorms crossing the border into Missouri. The storms had 80 mph winds, massive lightening strikes and golf ball sized hail with them. By 8:45 PM the storm chasers had reported tornadoes and they were within 10 miles of us. Lightening lit up the skies like flashbulbs outside a celebrity convention. The weather man was on TV talking about what to do with the tornado bearing down on one’s home. He then showed the projected track of the tornado and our home was dead center in its path. We normally watch the weather guy ramble on while we relax in our living room, but last night while I was praying to Jesus to spare us and our home, we put on street clothes, our rings and shoes. My heart was pounding as we gathered our wallets, phone, flashlights and pistol. We discussed where would be the best place to go, to the basement with 5 windows around us or to the central first floor bathroom, if or when the tornado turned the house into toothpicks. My prayers (and that of many others nearby) were answered when the super cells joined into a thin solid line which took their rotational power away and the storm limped past us with a minimal amount of rain. I was so pumped up with adrenalin from the nearness of the storm I could not sleep afterward. I finally got to sleep after 4 AM and I am a little tired today.

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