Saturday, January 17, 2015

Beating Windows Internet Explorer 11

I spent last evening debugging Windows Internet Explorer 11. It was a challenging task and something I need these days. I spent hours trying to debug an Internet explorer 11 update I got from windows update.  Joyce and I share this ACER laptop and each of us has our own user side. When I updated to 11 my side worked okay, but hers did not work at all and would freeze up as soon as the program was opened so I could not do a thing on her side. I could not even download the program a second time because windows update would not let me. I had to figure out a way to get into the program without opening it in the normal manner. It turned out I could open the control panel and get into internet options from there and then I could do a reset to default settings on the program. Apparently something went wrong the first time I opened it on her side of the computer. That fixed the program. I was tired by the time I finished figuring out the problem, but soon felt a sense of elation. I was so invigorated at that point I could not even take my late evening nap to prepare for my night’s sleep. I am not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination, though I would like to be one. I can write some HTML code for web pages, but I am still struggling with Java code. I took a preliminary course in Java last January and got started on the next phase yesterday, but had to start from the beginning that I completed last year as a review. I am not sure where this will take me, but the ride is satisfying.

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