Thursday, December 18, 2014

Radiation, Friend or Foe

          I was looking around yesterday at things in the house. There was a TV, a DVD player, a clock radio, my laptop, my cell phone, the house wiring and lights on the Christmas tree. That was when it hit me, not the tree, but the thought of all the radiation in the house. Whether you are using any of the things listed or not, the radiation is still there. The house wiring has radiation coming from the wiring even if there seems to be nothing running. The radio waves, TV signals, cell phone signals are all around us all of the time. We cannot escape them. We live in a containment vessel of radio frequency energy and there is no way to stop it!
          I think back on my time in the navy and now realize just how much exposure I had. I spent many hours flying in a plane that had a two million watt transmitter on a deck just below my feet. On the aircraft carrier when all the planes were started at the same time for takeoff they all had radar sets running emitting power at the thousands of watts level up to two millions of watts and that was all bathed over us by the ship’s own radar and radio emissions. One could almost draw an arc touching a lead pencil to the flight deck. Even before startup many of the planes had internal navigation systems running and getting thousands of amps flowing from the ship’s generators. Any time there is current flowing, there is radiation emanating from the wiring, the more current the more radiation.
          About now one should be wondering about how dangerous all of this radiation that we are constantly bombarded with could be to our health. That is certainly a valid question. I should like to propose a scientific hypothesis. 100 years ago in this country there was no radiation of this kind to speak of and during that time the average lifespan was less than 45 years. Now the average lifespan is about 82 years. The conclusion here must therefore be that radiation is good! No radiation is bad. The only bad radiation is the kind where one hears the voices in one’s head transmitted from far away invisible sources that decode into instructions to harm other people or objects.
          I hope you are able to sleep at night now knowing something you may never have known about or thought about or cared about will not harm you.

          Some of the information here is true, some is half true; the conclusion suggested may not be true at all. You are reading the Sentinel News, where fact and fiction can be merged and sometimes we never let facts stand in the way of a good story.

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