Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cooler Weather

Autumn leaves are beginning to fall
Not that I am complaining at all
The skies above shift from sunny to gray
I never know what will come from day to day
I’m good with it all because the heat has abated
Mother Nature needs to be congratuled
We are losing three minutes of sunshine a day
All I can do is shout hooray!
Some folks love the heat of the sun
At my age it is really no fun
I find I work better in cooler weather
When nature and I work together
I have a lot out back that needs to be done
But in the heat of summer it’s really no fun
Some people move south for its warmer clime
But to me the cooler weather is really sublime
No snakes no chiggers no ticks
I can work out back and get in my licks
I’ll see the results when it comes next spring
And that to me is a wonderful thing
I hope I can continue for many years more
But life never lets me know what it has in store
Whatever it is, I’m happy to say
I’ve enjoyed these many years at play

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