Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Dream June 28, 2014

I had this dream last night. Usually my dreams are either being back in the navy or back at my 20 year job at Litton, but this was different.
I was at a fairground, much like the one in Springfield nearby. I walked over to a vendor’s booth and asked for a can of diet Pepsi. The vendor told his assistant to get me a Pepsi and asked me for the money. I handed him a $10 bill. He pushed back $7.50, which I thought $2.50 for a can of Pepsi was a lot, but I was at the fair. The assistant passed me a crumpled up can that made me wonder how it didn’t explode. I shoved it back and refused to take it. The vendor said he didn’t have any more. I told him to look because I would not accept what they had to offer. The vendor said he could not refund money on anything that passed across his counter. His assistant found another Pepsi and passed it across the counter. The vendor then grabbed another $2.00. I said that was unacceptable and he said that was tough, but that was the way things worked. I was mad and I started around the counter when he grabbed another $.50 cents. That was more than enough for me; I was ready to fight as I rounded the corner. He told me that I didn’t want to fight him, but I would have none of that. He stood up and stretched into a giant, over 8 feet tall. I punched at him and could only hit him at his upper thigh. He knocked me down on my back, but I jumped back up and went after him again and managed to trip him. When he hit the floor I pounced on him and proceeded to throttle him as best as I could. That was where my dream ended and I woke up entangled in the sheets but still fighting.

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