Thursday, January 30, 2014

It Can Never Be

This little ditty was sparked by a single sentence (the first two lines) I spoke at Quapaw casino. Joyce and I were playing at the 3-card poker table. I was opposite a lady we see often see and banter back and forth with when we are at the casino. She and I glanced at each other and I made the statement. The dealer at the table knows I write a lot, she overheard it and suggested I jot it down and use it to write something. I did and this below is the result. It is shown in a poem format, but I think it could be a song with the second stanza made into a chorus. I was looking at song lyrics today and many are no longer than this, they just fill in with the repeating chorus.

It Can Never Be

Be careful looking into these eyes you see
You might see something that can never be

The look in my eyes
Can never tell lies
Words that we speak are often not true
Whether they’re said by me or by you
But the look in my eyes
Can never tell lies

My eyes reveal something that can never be
For never will the two of us both be free
We’ll never move the mountain you see
That barrier wall between you and me

While another man holds you at night
My holding you can never be right
The fates my dear have kept us at bay
From fate my dear, we can never stray

Had there been another time, a place
When first I’d seen your lovely face
There would be a different story told
It would be for us, a different world

© William Weber 2014 and beyond

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