Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Creeping

Sunday December 15, 2013 I was reading in the latest AARP bulletin about Christmas creep. Here are AARP’s listings for this year compared to 1963 (a very good year).
Christmas tree 1963 $2.50 2013 $45.00 I am not sure about those exact numbers, but the shift percentage is about right. Most popular toy 1963 Easy bake oven $15.95, 2013 Big hugs Elmo $59.99. Holiday card stamps 1963 were 5 cents, 2013 46 cents. Mail order 2 pound fruitcake 1963 was $4.25, 2013 $27.95. I might add in 1963 I was paying 33 cents a gallon for premium gasoline, 2013 $4.95.
My addition in the sixties I remember coffee at 50 cents a pound, 2013 $6.00 a pound for anything worth drinking.
Joyce has decorated her Christmas trees. Now on to the kitchen cabinets.

Joyce is my queen of Christmas.

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