Friday, December 13, 2013

A Christmas story in July

This happened in July of 2008. Annie (our daughter) was in Home Depot with Hailey (our granddaughter who was about 4 years old). They went to the checkout counter and were behind a man with long white hair and a long white beard. Hailey tugged on her mother's arm and asked if he was Santa. Annie said indeed she thought he was. Hailey asked why he wasn't in his red suit. Annie replied it was a hot summer day and that was why he was in a short sleeve shirt and jeans. Hailey kept staring at the man. He turned toward them and glancing at Annie. He had heard the conversation and when Annie shook her head indicating everything was ok; he looked at Hailey and said, "I'll be seeing you at Christmas."

Isn't that a wonderful story of a very good Samaritan?

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