Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Wizard

Wednesday October 30, 2013 the year of things breaking. Just to name a few, the car, all three lawn mowers, both chainsaws and a new roof leak. I’ve spent the last two days working on a leaking dishwasher. I started by checking and cleaning the door gasket. That did not work. Next I cleaned up the shut off switch in the bottom of the wash tank. That did not work either. I re-cleaned the gasket with vinegar and a tooth brush. I used Joyce’s because I didn’t want that vinegar taste on mine. All the while as I did one thing or another to try and fix the leak I would restart the washer and re-flood the kitchen floor. I checked everything I could see and think of with no results other than a lot of water on the floor. Frustrated, I threw my hands into the air and sat down with a cold beer. I felt better after that, so much better, that I had another. That made my stress less taxing, so I had one more. After the third beer I decided to visit the all knowing, all powerful wizard of all things on earth. Yes, you know what I am talking about, the internet. 15 minutes of Google search and I had the answer to my problem. As I think back, I don’t know why I always wait until I try everything else before I consult the wizard. The wizard told me that the steam vent on the dishwasher was clogged with calcium carbonate and all I need do was remove the screen from the inside of the front door of the washer and scrape it clean behind the screen. I left my computer and dashed over to the washer to pop off the screen. I cannot begin to describe what I found in there. I was going to take a picture, but the scene was too ghastly to photograph. All I will say is if your dishwasher starts leaking under the front door, pop off that screen and clean. Nowhere in the manual was there any mention of periodically removing and cleaning behind it. The troubleshooting guide in the manual did not mention it. Only the all powerful wizard knew the dirty little secret. I am beginning to believe I owe my sanity (what I have left) to cold beer and the wizard.

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