Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Last of the Marigolds

 The End of the Marigold

 In the last twilight
Before a cold October night
I view the last flowers of a Marigold
Its stunning orange ever so bold
This tall, straight, exquisite bloom
Has no way of knowing its impending doom
In a few hours, later in the night
The last marigold will give up its life
The overnight temperature, long hours below 29
Will bring our flowers to the end of the line

That is why I was out taking pictures of what's left here on the farm.

Here is the last of the mums that waited all year to finally bloom just a few days ago. This bed started with just two small plants many years ago, one white and one purple. Now the bed is 4 feet square purple and still just one white plant.

This is definitely the last sweet pea.

The Nandina will stay green with these beautiful red berries all winter long.

This Amur maple has been planted for 20 years now and this is the first picture of its recently acquired color.

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