Saturday, September 7, 2013


60 years ago, I was a child looking at newspaper cartoons in the Sunday paper. I remember detective Dick Tracy using his wrist watch to communicate with contacts and headquarters. It seemed far-fetched even as a child and later when I knew something about electronics it was really far out. However, Samsung has just come out with not just a wrist radio, but a full computer and phone this last week. The technology is of course fantastic, but what about the cartoonists that thought of this so many years ago? What about the old Flash Gordon cartoon strip? What about George Orwell’s prophetic novels about Big Brother? All of these things are here now and how did those men foresee this coming? How many things the great scientists have brought us today were foreseen by visionaries’ decades before scientists had the tools to create them? We have so much technology today and what we have is nothing to compare with what our children will see in their lifetimes. I hope when I come back as an angel (yeah, really) I will see all these things in motion and still be filled with wonder.

This may my second to last picture of flowers this year. The last will be our Mums when they bloom, but for now here are the Morning Glories.

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