Thursday, August 29, 2013

Web Sites Crashing All Around Us

Thursday August 29, 2013 I have noticed that many web sites have been down lately, banks, EBAY, New York Times, Amazon and my own web hosting site among many others. I have to wonder what is behind all of the interruptions. Two possible sources come to mind immediately. One of course is the Chinese government’s building full of army computer hackers, which has the sole purpose of breaking into America’s banking, electrical grid and top secret sites to gain information on all of them and at some point in time shut America down. My guess would be just before they launch a ballistic missile attack. The second source and my personal favorite is of course space aliens who may want to land and reveal themselves to us in the future. My good friend Ted (electrical engineer) seems to think that if there are space aliens and if they would arrive here, the meeting between us and them would not be a good one. In order for them to get here they would have to be far more technically advanced than we are and they would annihilate our civilization in the sure to happen conflict between us. I believe he is right. That said, whether it is the Chinese or the outer-space aliens, these internet interruptions are the first skirmish in a future battle which will not turn out well for us in America and maybe the world. So what can be done about the coming shroud of doom? Really not much at all, therefore I suggest that we relax, have a few beers, and enjoy the time we have left. To quote a wonderful old song by Faron Young from 50 years ago, “I want to live fast, love hard, die young and leave a beautiful memory.” It's too late for me to die young, but I'm up for the rest of it.

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