Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Red Hornets!

Wednesday August 21, 2013 I was up on the roof today, working on a new leak that has shown up recently. There was a pair of red hornet nests right near where I was working. I tried to avoid upsetting them, but they are aggressive little bastards! I was trying to put some tar on spots where I suspected the leak was when the hornets began to attack me. There was one that just kept diving at me, relentlessly. He would attack from every point on the compass. I got up on my feet and was moving away, but he kept diving on me. I lost sight of him for a moment and happened to look down at the roof when I saw his shadow coming at me from behind my head. I was on the move, but not fast enough and being up on the roof I did not have much room to maneuver or exit. He did still sting me on the back of my head, but wasn’t able to latch on to my hair so he could sting me multiple times. You might imagine that made me mad. I tried a trick Rhett uses on marauding wasps. I took my wide-brimmed hat off and started slapping at him in midair. I managed to hit him with a glancing blow, knocking him to the surface of the roof, where I stomped the living dog shit out of him! “Farm living is the life for me” (Eddie Albert from the sixties TV show Green Acres.)

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