Friday, July 5, 2013

Wild in the woods July 5, 2013

I have tried for over 20 years to get these black eyed Susan to grow where I want them to grow, but have had no success. I've transplanted them, gathered seeds, ripped the plants from the ground and placed them where I wanted seeds to fall and then grow as they do in the woods, but never any success. So now I just go out and view them wherever they choose to be.

Here's another of my nemeses, the thorny vines that grow all over in the woods. Someone gave me the name for them, but alas I have forgotten it.

Poison ivy here. I spray and try to kill the stuff, but it just pops up somewhere else. The birds eat the seeds and spread them everywhere. Maybe that's the key, kill the plants before the birds spread the seeds.

This is a bottom-up view of one of the magnificent oaks here on the farm.

Wild Yarrow growing in the woods.

This mighty oak is actually over the western fence line by about 50 feet, but it is my favorite sight anywhere. Its magnificence makes me understand how some ancient people worshiped these trees.

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