Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Navy Barracks Glynco Ga. 1964

I've been searching for a 1963 Bluejacket's Manual for 3-4 years now, searching on Amazon or EBAY and had no success. An old navy friend mailed me and said I could have his. He mailed it out and I received it today. It is better than the 1944 and 2009 edition I found on Amazon. He also enclosed the following picture of us in Glynco, Ga. in 1964.

From left to right: Doug, Ken, David, me with a beer in my hand (south Georgia in mid summer is hot and humid, hence me cooling off in my t-shirt and shorts) and Roy far right. All of us have reconnected after many years except for Roy. Perhaps, well who knows where people disappear to these days? I love the picture despite the fact that I appear to be stoned and I was not, no matter how much it looks like I was.

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