Thursday, July 25, 2013

Here's what's Blooming on the Farm today July 25, 2013

Here's a first time shot of our 4 o'clocks. They are prolific growers, but I never get to see them open, until today that is.

And here are the pink ones

This is how thick they grow together.

Now on to the edible growth here on the farm. These are butternut squash blossoms and the blossoms are tasty.

Of course the purpose of the blossom is to produce the actual squash. This is just a tiny baby at the moment but it should grow to be 10 times this size and turn to a tan color outside and a beautiful yellow inside.

This is where the plants are planted, thick and hopefully bounteous. They are surrounded by day lilies.

My mouth is watering just thinking of these squash in soups or baked in the oven with butter on them.

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