Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Day Together

This poem has been in the works for many years since Mom died, but today is the first day I can send it. She actually died a few days later.
Farewell to Mom

I see you there, so tiny and frail
An ancient shadow, hollow and pale
A wisp of what you used to be
A Mother forever you’ll be to me

Tubes, needles, monitors abound
In a darkened room without sound
A bed piled with covers and you beneath
Without your glasses, without your teeth

Today is the saddest day I’ve ever known
I know you are here, but I feel all alone
I stand with tears streaming down my cheek
Unable to smile, unable to speak

The mavens of medicine have tried all they know
Unfortunately for you, there are no results to show
They say it’s just that you’re old in age
That sends me into a near fit of rage

Will our last day together be sorrow and gloom?
For you, the woman who could light up a room
Our last day together, without saying a word
Our last day, with only my sobbing heard

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