Friday, March 29, 2013

Mistaken Identity Threatens/Saves the World

I ran across a picture of a navy man in service the other day. He looks just like our nephew. I sent it off to him with this note:

Patrick this guy in the navy looks just like you.

His reply:
I do see the resemblance, especially in the hair! Even though he's my doppelgänger, I am slightly better looking :-)
My response to him:

While you are better looking he could pass for you, at least close enough for the FBI to hunt you down for something he may have done. I know you have scattered some DNA in your time; maybe you have been cloned and there is an evil plot afoot by our enemies to discredit you. Good lord man, perhaps they have made thousands of you to infiltrate the U.S. military forces and plan an overthrow of the government. Have you ever been abducted and examined on a space ship? This could be a massive cloning program by an inter-galactic power that might threaten the entire world! If the clones all look like you, when they rise up to take over the world, they will all recognize who is in their army and who is not.
That said, you and you alone may be the only man who can save the world by infiltrating their army, exposing their plans and leading the charge to defeat them. Think of it, you leading and saving the entire world, you in a ticker tape parade down the streets of NYC with thousands, no millions of people cheering your valiant service to the nation and the world. Women will fawn over you by the thousands; you will spend the rest of your life getting lucky in a different bedroom every night. Then by the time you pass on, the entire world will look like you and we of this earth will know and recognize our brethren as we will all truly be brothers or at least half brothers. The earth will then be able to fend off attacks from other outer space creatures because they will not resemble you, we, us. The planet will once again be a world of peaceful harmony.

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