Sunday, June 24, 2012

Birds Nest

 I was watering the house grounding rod (good to do during a drought);
when I looked up and saw the dryer vent had a little stick hanging out of it.
I lifted the flap and saw a bird nest blocking half of the vent
(another good thing to check regularly).
I pulled the nest out and dropped it to the ground and began clearing out
the dryer lint that had backed up behind it.
As I finished cleaning I looked down to the ground at the nest to find three tiny eggs.
I picked up the nest and deposited it at the north fence.
Bird eggs attract snakes and I didn’t want that.
I walked back toward the house and as I traveled past the white lilac,
Something hit and wrapped around my leg.
My leg had a spasm, as I kicked to shake off what I was sure was a snake.
Well it turned out to be a piece of honeysuckle vine I had pulled from the ground before.
I told Joyce what happened when I walked into the house.
She gasped when she thought she knew what I was going to say.
When she recovered, her question was, “did you wet yourself?”
Happily I replied, “no.”

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