Monday, September 19, 2011

What Happened?

Several years ago our president of the time wanted to make a college degree available to all young people. That started grants and student loans so kids could attend college. It seemed a fine idea at the time. Now today on the news I saw a young woman in a local college lamenting over the $240. cost of an accounting textbook. Now I could maybe understand an expensive textbook for some new science that few would ever study, but accounting, no way an accounting book should be that much.
I believe all the easy loan and grants have not made college more affordable, but to the contrary have made it more expensive and out of reach for anyone with a brain.
Kids are graduating with degrees in areas with no viable job future and they have $100k in college debt to repay! A friend of mine has a daughter who at 23 had amassed a debt that she would not be able to repay before she was 53 years old and that was after getting a reduced interest rate. Am I missing something or is this way out of control?

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