Tuesday, March 15, 2011

William Weber

I was sitting here at the computer, killing time when I typed William Weber in the Google search bar. The first return it came up with said there were 1312 people with that name listed. I started looking through the list. I only went through the first 200 before I realized they were all doctors, lawyers, professors, real estate agents or playwrights. They all seemed to be very successful. I quit looking after that. I do not know if the real me is even on the list. I never realized there were so many imposters. I have never met anyone with my name before. It strikes me as being very wierd. With that many having my name it could be one of them is a spy or a serial killer. Suppose the FBI shows up at my door and questions me? Oh, wait a minute, I forgot none of them listed is me. Annonimity can be beneficial.

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