Wednesday, October 27, 2010

‘Gambler’s Dream’

‘Gambler’s Dream’

They were in their church on that Sunday
(High Winds Casino,) where they liked to play
Grandpa had too much medicine the night before
When he should have quit drinking, he had just one more
The cards were dealt and they were bad
Grandpa was nearly tapped and feeling sad
He was strapped for cash and feeling low
Grandma was too and about ready to go
She had it figured out, just one last bet
When out of the blue, she got her best hand yet
“Three tens” was the dealer’s cry
It was the truth; I tell no lie
Grandma spoke out with a great big smile
“Have yourself a beer; we ain’t going home for a while”
Grandpa grabbed a beer, thinking what the hell
He guessed they’d be there for quite a spell
Grandpa sat there watching, drinking his beer
The alcohol worked its magic, taking away his fear
Grandpa still had a twenty, for a rainy day
As long as he was there, he may as well play
He put his last twenty out on the table
What followed next is, I tell you no fable
He picked up his cards and looked at his hand
It was the one wanted throughout the land
For Grandpa had a straight flush you see
He felt as happy as a man could be
To have a straight flush, is indeed very rare
Within a half hour, he had two more to spare
No one could believe it, as they had never seen
When old Grandpa had picked up so much green
The dealer was happy, as Grandpa had made for him a bet
For that Sunday afternoon, it was the best he had yet
The odds are so high against three nearly in a row
It’s too difficult to calculate, no one could know
No wonder people gamble, because one can never know
When bad luck can change and one’s heart starts to glow
The legend will live on, as dealers tell the story
Of that fateful Sunday’s, afternoon glory
Now Grandpa’s old, and that never happened before
For truly that was, the making of legend and lore
When Grandpa dies and appears at the pearly gates, in a rush
Saint Peter will ask, “How’d you pull that third straight flush?”

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