Saturday, June 4, 2016

Local Headline News

This reporter received a tip that humidity was so high in the north-west corner of the county this morning that water exploded right out of the air. This reporter rushed to the scene so as not to miss this incredible event. Heart pounding, nerves jangling I raced to the scene, breaking speed laws all the way there because I wanted to witness this profound, scientific phenomenon.
I clutched, shifted and floor boarded the accelerator in the old truck in my haste to get to the event. I flew around a corner on a farm road, skidding and sliding across the gravel. As I plowed through the turn, I came face to face with a herd of black Angus cows which had jumped their fence and seized the roadway because the water in their pasture had risen so high. I couldn’t stop so I cranked the steering wheel to correct my slide. That unfortunately sent me into a deep ditch along the west side of the road. The old truck responded with a series of creaks, moans and thumps that signaled it was being torn apart. I managed to pull out of the ditch a quarter mile down the road, narrowly missing a huge oak tree. I hit the brakes and laid my head on the steering wheel when I realized I was too late to catch the once in a lifetime phenomenon I’d heard about. Now it was just raining.