Tuesday, May 17, 2016

How Many People Complete a Lifetime?

         I often wonder about how many people I have known in my life. In my nearly 11 years in the navy there was a constant shuffle of people in and out of duty stations. On board ship I met dozens more. On instructor duty there were new classes every two weeks. Shore patrol duty always brought new people. At Burroughs, in the late seventies, there was a revolving door with people job hopping. Recruiters rang the phone off the wall looking to hire and place people at higher pay rates, so people left and new hires came in. Later at Litton the faces changed on a regular basis. Some stayed a half day, went to lunch and never came back. How many car salesmen have I met? When I was a kid I worked at a gas station and the boss was always hiring new people who stayed for a week or two. At Unisys I traveled for training classes and met people there for two to six weeks at a time and then they were gone forever. I do have friends that have lasted for over 30 years and more, but most people are here and then gone. I suppose this is normal, is it not? Sometimes I remember names but no faces and other times I remember faces but no names. I suppose this is what life is all about.