Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Spring houses cars and marriage

The wind is howling this morning as it has for 24 hours now and it is due to continue.
This year the purple-leaf sand cherries are blooming at the same time as the red bud trees.
Both are ahead of the crabapple trees.
Both seem to be well ahead of schedule.
I would send a picture, but with the wind blowing it is impossible to snap a picture without blurring the blossoms.

We are going to meet with our real-estate selling agent this morning to find out some bad news about our sale. I do not know the extent of it, but time will tell. It seems that buying a house, selling a house or remodeling a house is always stressful. It's worse than buying a used car. The car looks good, seems to perform well on the test drive, but you never know what you will find down the road. Marriage is another thing that you never know about until you are into it for a while. I have known people who lived together for years and were happy, until they got married. I have been very lucky with marriage, just unlucky with houses, cars and cards. I suppose one cannot be lucky with everything. Lucky for me I have been lucky with the one that really counts.