Friday, March 11, 2016

Being Irish

My departed sister-in-law was into genealogy; she researched and found a lot about my and my brother's ancestry. I wish I could say we were descended from kings or even minor royalty, but we were not. My father's ancestry was German and it showed. His co-workers called him a hard-headed Dutchman and while he was German, I got the reference. My mother, on the other hand, came from a long line of  Irish people. While I am a little hard headed like my father, it is the Irish roots I more resemble. I like my beer and I like it a lot. Joyce says, "you can always tell an Irishman, you just can't tell him much." I love the potatoes that fed my ancestors for centuries in Ireland. I have always been a hard worker as most of the Irish are. I have strong convictions. I am a story teller when fueled by a few beers. Our family's first names are all Irish as is mine. I try to be poetic in my life and I recognize the frailties in all men, including myself.