Friday, February 12, 2016


Is it just me or are banks, credit card companies and grocery stores making mistakes these days? It seems we have over or under charges at the grocery stores every week. It's become so common we just let it go when we get home and look at the receipt. It balances out over time. I cannot remember that happening back when a cashier rang up every item by punching a register keyboard. Now everything is scanned and the scans are so fast I cannot follow them. The prices are put in the scanners wrong. 

Our one credit card company forgot to send a statement in December so we did not remember to pay the one charge we had on it. January we got the statement; there was no late payment, but just a dollar and change for interest. The same company sent new cards this month. We activated both cards and then a few days later we got an email notice that one of the new cards was not activated. An hour later we got another email that the card was activated and okay. 

Our old bank did not send tax statements on our IRAs last year so I had to go a few rounds with them to get the statements in the mail to us. This year one was not sent and the other was incorrect. Joyce changed the bank handling her IRA mid-year and the new bank did not send her a year-end statement.

 Yesterday we sat here talking about the problem and tried to decide whether the banks and credit companies and grocery stores did not make mistakes years ago or we just did not catch them. I have to think that if we, in our present state, are still able to catch these things, then we would have caught them when we were a little sharper. Joyce is still debating the subject in her head.