Thursday, February 4, 2016

Pin Map

I suppose by now most TV watchers have seen the new navy recruiting commercial Pin Map it shows a lot of exciting things to do in the navy. I have watched several times now and I know it would make me want to sign-up were I a young man again. It shows flight deck operations, boarding parties with guns drawn and ready, submarines and seal activity.

There are many occupational skills available in the not so exciting fields  to me, like culinary, yeoman, photographer, and hundreds of others.

I still think the navy is a good way to get started in life for college graduates and non-college young people. There are some non fun things that go on, just like any job in life, but I know if I made it, anyone can. 

The navy is an excellent way to see places one might not ever see if not in the navy. Being away from home for months at a time can be rough if one is deeply attached to family, but then if a civilian left for a trip across Europe or Asia one would be gone from family for a while.

Here is a list of navy jobs available. I think the ones that start with the word aviation are promising. I saw a new field, Aviation Warfare Technician, that sounds a lot like what I did originally as an air-crewman. That was a fun and exciting job. I have a friend who spent 30 years as a air-crew member in radar, patrol planes and helicopters. He liked it so much he did not want to get out of the navy but 30 years was all the navy allowed enlisted men to stay for.

Everyone has different likes and dislikes, but if you want to learn a field and serve your country and yourself, whether it's for 4 years, 6, 20 or more the navy is in my opinion not a bad way to start. One last thing, the navy is like any job anywhere in that you will meet ass holes and great people. I am still in touch with guys I met in the navy 52 years ago. Shore Patrol, air crew, boarding parties, flight decks and SEALS all have elements of danger as other fields do, just as any other exciting activities anywhere have.