Sunday, December 20, 2015

Meeting, Greeting and then Rembering

     When people get to be my age, we have more past than we have future. That is a fact and we work with what we have. "Regrets, I have a few, but then again, too few to mention." Forgive me for inserting my favorite Frank Sinatra lyric. Now I wonder how many people know who Sinatra was? Here he is Sinatra sings "My Way." Sinatra will live as long as there is an internet.
     Now here is my point; I have met thousands of people in my lifetime, through work, school, family, friendship. Some I have known for decades, some for moments in time. By far, the majority I will never see again. Some are names without faces, others are faces without names. Such is life. So far I think my memory is okay for my age, but I would like to reconnect the neurons that hold the keys to memories from days gone by.