Sunday, December 13, 2015

Alphabet Headline Story

This little ditty could be a story or a collection of headlines.

Agents around the area agreed adjacent avenues of attack altered actions to anarchists.
Buried bodies brought big bold barriers beyond basics.
Collaborators concentrated clues containing critical conclusions.
Dire decisions determined due diligence directly down desperate directions.
Erroneous entanglements enhanced every expected egress to eliminate evil.
Feverish fanatical fumbling in following facts frequently found fallow.
Grievous gaffs generated grim gritty generalizations.
Heroes heeded hazardous hallmarks honing homeward.
Incoming information indicates individual instances of impropriety.
Judges, jurists, jurisprudence, jammed the justice journeymen.
Keyways to the knifing knaves kvelled klutzes.
Lighted lamps led to lamentable liaison.
Mischievous, monstrous, mavens of mischief made merry.
Nemeses never neglected nullifying the neighborhood.
Overconfidence of opportunities obfuscated operations.
Professional privateers pounced on perpetrators.
Quickness quelled the quaking.
Rendering reliable reparation and restitution.
Sherlockian sleuths separated savages from silver.
Testimonials told tales of tyranny tempered by temerity.
Underworld uniformity unmasked by uprightness.
Victors vanquished villains.
Wanted wackos whipped and wiffed.
Xanthans zeroed.