Sunday, October 18, 2015

Busy, busy week

Well it has been a busy week. Monday I dug a drainage ditch along the south side of the barn in case it ever rains again after our August flooding. Tuesday I built a rock and block dam along the south side to keep water out of the barn. Wednesday I took pictures of all the booths at the local flea market and started uploading them to the website Ash Tree Antiques but the electric company guys came by to tell me they were going to be here on Thursday to replace our electric pole, so I had to cut down a tree and mow some tall grass for them to get the trucks in and be able to work. Along the way the web site editor quit working so I was set back a day to complete the comments on the web pages. Thursday I had to remove everything from the barn. I watched the crew change out the electric pole on Thursday and now I have an erect pole that is quite long and with plenty of wood. Friday the truck with 9 tons of gravel showed up so Rhett and I shoveled most of that into the barn. Saturday we finished that job up and filled my drainage ditch with gravel. Today, Sunday I got to replace everything back into the barn and I am a little bit tired and have a lot of sore muscles I forgot I had. All in all, this has been a very busy and exhausting week for an old man.