Saturday, August 29, 2015


           We moved so much in our early married life with me being in the navy that we never set down any roots. Even after my navy time we still moved after three years, then after six months, then a year and a half, then after four years, again after four years then after two years. Now, finally we have roots after twenty-six years here, living here longer than anywhere, more than a third of our lives.
          There are so many memories here in the Wyrick House. My parents lived here with us for weeks after my father had a massive stroke. My brothers and sisters stayed here when dad was in the hospital for several weeks. My parents loved this place and visited it often when we first moved in. This house reminded them of their first home after they were married. Joyce’s mother lived here for several years before she passed away.
          We have had so many friends visit here and stay here through the last years. These things are what establish roots.